Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A post after a long time... XD

So today is my birthday and I decide to write something on this blog, before I get lazy again and having no updates on my blog.

Some of the cliché reason for not updating blog
  1. Less spare time to write
  2. Having low sugar or imagination (depending on which type are you)
  3. Not setting any theme for writing
The list could go on and on and on and on.............since it is a
cliché reason for any bloggers LOL

So I'm officially 23rd .... So I've been for almost quarter of century in this world, and it makes me wonder what have I done in this couples of years back then and it seems I've been wasting a bit of my year, and my hair seems to be in pretty bad shape, as I have pretty damn severe hair losses this days. Man, it sucks to be baldy before the right age. LOL

Then again, I'm not the type who go around and spewing my own problems to any other persons, unless I feel it is necessary or just to see how they react to certain problem.

It must be a blessing to have my birthday in this Ramadhan month.
Hell yeah sons, I don't have to spend people for lunch and usually very lazy in breakfast outside, because it is kinda hectic if you go out when it is pretty late hahahhaha

Kinda wondering why there is so many people go to bazaar eh? Where are they hiding before this month??? This is absolutely like a Chipsmore, now you see and now you don't. Anyway I still go to bazaar if there is an order from higher-ups LOL.

Also I'm waiting for my 1st paycheck from I-yuno supposedly I receive my dough as late as before Eid... Worst part, it may come to me after Eid. Either way, I WILL GET MY MONEH Y'ALL!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Countdown to September!

Till two months before Raya and stuff ( get back finishing my last sem and my friend convocations)


I want my wages....I need money so direly right now

Saturday, July 2, 2011

When we say Friday???

Did you think I'm gonna write about Rebecca Black???? YUCKKSSSSS

BLASPHEMY!!!!! That song shouldn't be too simplistic to begin with hahahaha

Yess I have no interest in English song except this kind of song.. HAhahahahahAH

Nerd Alert...

Back to the topic. For me , this how should Friday Night song should be heh.

Edit: for typo artist names ahahaha

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Something I stumble upon 2-3 days ago.

After my friend asking me certain words from Korean languages
If I am clueless of what his asking, I still can use the google to save my ass hahahah

Somehow, some way I stumble on easy to-learn Korean website
with some audio assistance.
KBS world Radio

In this website, it seems for me, to teach people how to spell and pronounce and also trying to teach others of simple and basic conversations.

For an advanced level, this site is not for you though, please go and find and academy that teach foreign language around your vicinity

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Current Status

Part timer as Polisher Script for I-yuno Media Group

thats all I guess , since I have less idea for blogging

Saturday, April 23, 2011

f(x) backs with Pinnochio and Gangsta Boy.. LULZ

Its been a long time I've seen them.. hehehehhe

I surely need a drive or inspiration to write more inane ramblings or something to be shared ...
I dunno, I pretty sure I only share a few of information...Really few I guess..

Well here they are!!!! f(x) woot

First of all, the outfit is so baggy to the point where I thought....Circus??? OH LOLZ!!!!
I mean... What thaa fakkkk...What thaa Fakkk ...That is cheap as hells hahahaha
the songs is ok.......and the clothes looks just like coming from slums TROLOLOLOLZ

Pinocchio. I see the Music Video first and thought the song is everywhere and off-the mark. Then I changed my mind after seeing the live..Its actually good!!

Well, except Krystal clothes that use some turquois confetti to be attached with glue on her blouse.I mean..... What tha faakk...What tha faakkk...I thought they never could be any cheaper costume from Gangsta Boy. SME stylist does amazed me always, not in a good way. ROFL.

for those who know who is Victoria or Khuntoria..please peel your eyes wide and clear.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I hurt my thumbs


It hurts and I go to hospital for medical check-ups and for my sick leave....

I can't use my thumbs properly for now