Friday, February 20, 2009

MVAD (Taeyeon part 1) [04.13.08]

Today I can't sleep because I'm watching MVAD shows.. (MVAD = Miraculous Victory and Defeat) no matter how well you pronounced it.. It still feeling korny . Whelp

Its a kind of language battle .. I can't remember the names.. But this games about you prepare a word for your opponent, and then you ask the opponent a question and he/she need to answer it a word that has been prior prepared.. Sounds easy? wait till then

Park Hyun Bin start the round... >_< Tae Yoon making a weird face after hearing the word from Hyun Bin

As expected from Hyun Bin hahahahaha

Tae Yeon sing the excerpt from their song "Kissing You" .. BOO HOO .. Hyun Bin looks like his the king of the world

Tae Yeon start her round..

Hahahha His been receiving garbage from his own fan..

Credit to : Soshisubs for translation and for video


  1. kenapa Tae Yeon sahaja..
    ambik la part Soo young,,

  2. Tae Yeon kelakar cam taik hahahha

  3. Kan aku da kata jgn kaco Tae Yeon..

  4. rileks arr yus ..ko amik jess dah arrr
