Monday, December 14, 2009
Leather Pants in Muzik Muzik
Similar to the Juara Lagu stuff but a lil bit different though... not so sure abt it
its been a loooong time since I update post on my blog XD
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Ring Ding Dong Diggy Ding Dong dong
Ding Dong Ding Dong - the shits is echoing in my head.. OWMIGAWDDDDDD
Total randomness during 5.23 AM... ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzZZz
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The end of A Golden (hot) Week for Eid/ Hari Raya
Anyway same old Eid for me, all my siblings and their family are gather at my mom's house aka also my house since I live only close by with my Uni aiya... so close mehh.
Kids screaming, firecracker booming, traffic are jamming like hell, people flock around my house like ants plus with hot weather at the east coast making my head so dizzy.
Ahh.... I really miss a break like that and certainly this year the amount of duit raya had been decreased to a significant amount that I can no longer brag about it to my older sibligs.. Meh..
Less pic for Eid because I forgot to copy from my sister digicamera.. Aigoo..Meh again
I will go steal it from my sister facebook... Guahahahahahh
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Jin Jin Jingisukan
No No No..this is not from Berryz Koubou version... hahaha
Just some drama I've already finish watching.
Title : The Vineyard Man
Jin Jin Jin Jingiskaaaaaaan
Thursday, September 10, 2009
4minute - Muzik
This song is consider good and likeable - aside from Hyun Ah constant whining in song, (SHE IS SINGING!! FOR GOD SAKE! : fans) Orly??? I thought she still whining about herself for unable to keep up with Wonder Girls. LOLZ anyway.
Dancewise - 4/5
Songwise - 3.7/5
MV-wise - 2/5 *
*This kind of MV are harmful to Epilepsy patients. I wonder how many peeps gonna get a fit when watching this video in Korea LOLZ
Oh yeah Jeon Jiyoon aka Glasses girl now has shed the glasses and SURPRISE!! her eyes are small as Daesung's ROFL
Friday, September 4, 2009
f(x) - SNSD sister group...LOLZ
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Buzz Buzz Buzz
Feel like I'm gonna break my body eventually.... haizzzz
Friday, August 21, 2009
Holy Ramadhan has come !~
Tomorrow is the day Muslim (particularly Malaysia and neighbouring region) begin fasting.
It also a month where delicacy become much delicious than it should be LOLZ.
Nothing more to write... well happy fasting and savour the time of this Holy Month for Muslim for doing charity and pray for blessing of Allah.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I got a bodyache T__T
I became so busy,plus basketball is not a favorable sport for my coursemate. They usually play futsal anyway
Tired... Bodyache...... Thigh cramp...... AWEK!! eh I mean girls.... wow...I didn't know that there are girls interested to play seriously.... XD
That's it... I can't feel my finger now. It's numb already
Monday, August 10, 2009
tweeet tweeeet....
Surprisingly.. twitter are too simple to do anything aside than leaving short messages on net
Wonder how long I will use it.... XD
oh..this is my URL.. XD
Friday, August 7, 2009
KBSW rant
Its looks that KBSW in japan has subs performances on Music Bank, which there are none in English-based KBSW.... SUCK!!!
BTW I like girl that wears yellow stripes t-shirts..
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
B'Z! eh bz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
song : Outsider - Loner
I'm very busy this week and next week also the same.... Haizzzz.....
>_> <_<
Saturday, August 1, 2009
La La La La Mister... KARA?
I must say Maknae Jiyoung and Nicole have gone up to my top 3... Creamy abs oh yeahhhhhhhhh
Pree Pree Preety Gals..... >_<
Oh yeah Today is also Tiffany aka buttcheeks girls
Happy 20th bday.... :P
Apparently today also the day where people rallying to Abolish ISA... not the dudes name, its actually the Act.
Also today there is an PC Fair Expo going on KLCC, wonder how people will get there with this rally going on.... XD
I change to abolish instead of repeal...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Naengmyun, Naengmyun, Naengmyun
I just oversee Park Myung Soo mistake when watching this video...
I chose blue because of the Jessica's coldness and Park Myung Soo's epic fail
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
K.Will RAP???? ZOMG!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
1st Convo for University Darul Iman Malaysia
The only good thing about this surely about booth that will be open during the convo day and yes, there will be lot of girls (cute or not) around. Bah.. Whatever.. Because of this event, most of the week I did not have to go to class because being exempted.!! Well.. I still need to write my training report and present it.. DUH!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Saya Sakit Hati
Somehow or someway, in this kind of moment, I really want to use swear word (something in Malay) to my uni's student portal..
Heck... I paid for the fine yesterday and they still did not remove debt from my account thus making me unable to register my course
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Class START!!
It is Land Law and some Islamic Paper... [Islamic Banking Law and Islamic Family Law(elective)]
yeah.. I'm suck with most Islamic Paper....
ogh..1237 am already...time to hit my bed..... kkthxbye
Monday, June 29, 2009
Namida.. EH?? Buttcheeks Suprise
Friday, June 26, 2009
Genie MV is OUTTO!!!
credit to prot0980 for the video and mrgharam for posting it at
- Thighs ----> Check
- Asses -----> check
- Legs -----> check
- Yoona lousy hairs ----> CHECK!
- Sunny -------> THOROUGHLY CHECK
- Soo Young new looks ------ > CHECK!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
wow... 4minute??? LOLZ where the "s"
Today I'm gonna talk about my 4minute favourite girls.. :P
Jeon Jiyoon aka Glasses Girl who jump out of nowhere..
Skip to 0:26 too see what am I saying..
during pre-debut of 4minute... nice voice..
Monday, June 1, 2009
2NE1 2nd Inkigayo
Definitely better than their 1st inkigayo performances IMO
oh... maybe You didn't know this girl yet....
The one who like to thrust her chest and looks
like Missy Elliot.jr is a jailbait aka Gong Minji
The furry one (clothes) is Auntie Park Bom/ Bomi
The one with a very small eye and have a crazy hairstyles is Mini G-Dragon aka CL
The one that is so shmexy and have the three layers of weird hairstyles is Sandara Park AKA DARA
They've been known as a female Big Bang.. bla bla bla.....
Ok.... go Google about them for more detail....
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Now... most of the time (for 1st week in office) basically slack-0ff and abuse the office pc for web surfing. :P
My Deputy Registrar keep on saying .... "You wanna learn something ... ask your colleagues"
Well Yeah.... I am embarrassed to ask them because I'm the youngest there..LOL
I should be more proactive ... if log book gonna be lame and empty...and the report will be BAD...I mean...real BAAAAAAAAAD...
Anyway ... I heard from my colleagues there will other students to join me in the office... WOOHOO
and they both girls... HEH.... I can't wait this Monday.. XD
My golden week end NOWWWW >.................<
Saturday, April 25, 2009
My Swags!!

My last month swag.... Just got an opportunity to up it... YES...VGA cam suck out hard..
Girl Generations - Gee Mini Album
AKB48 - 10nen Zakura
Perfume - One Room Disco - CD + DVD ver
Err... Just an update

This is the new addition to my humble family... I got a new nephew 3-4 weeks ago.. XD
I couldn't post his pic ASAP as I got no cam.... Damn..I'm craving for HAPTIC MOTION even more...Just a luck .... SAMSUNG!!! Plz internationalize the haptic hp..I WANT IT!!! T__T
his name is..arif iskandar.. ring a bell?? LOL
Monday, April 6, 2009
Big Bang & 2NE1 - Lollipop
Slightly annoying if you see phailed-to be Superman Seung Ri dancing around with his blue cape hahahhahahaha XD
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Annual Dinner 3/4/2009 - 8.00pm
The theme for the dinner was modern corporate (WTH) and so does I need to find a suit , not the Handsome Suit of course
The dinner has been organized by the FLAIR society (Faculty of Law and International Relation) to celebrate the final year student and it has become one of the annual activities to be done.
Nothing much...Personally I got no camera at the time..So my pix was like scarce or has been scattered from all my friend camera.. I am so lazy to ask for the pix.. well I manage to grab a couple of pix :P

I look back at my pic...and then I think...WTF with my expression...HAIZ...really need handsome suits I guess
Thursday, April 2, 2009
SONG : MC-Mong - Ice Cream
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Busy week + other prob
Friday, March 13, 2009
Song : Love me after 12AM - m-flo love alex the weather so hot... I'm wishing for a rain to come ..
I have no motivation to write a case review that need to be present on Monday.. HAIZ
Today song recommendation..
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Something I watch...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE BTN!!!! I got test tomorrow and day after tomorrow
This going to be my worst week EVER!
p/s got no JPEG ... cos I got no money to buy boxer lol (no camera)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
durrr.. I'm just playing one game and I had enough that shit..can't take it anymore
and then, I go home with my friends to give him some kracks (anime,drama,idol and other stuff in his ext HDD maxtor 40gb -- yeah old hdd..)
Friday, February 20, 2009
MVAD (Taeyeon Part 2) [04.13.08]
MVAD (Taeyeon part 1) [04.13.08]

Credit to : Soshisubs for translation and for video
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My co-curriculum camp..
There are too much physical activities..and I'm tired like hell... But, fun at the same time .. I very like the kayaking/canoeing activities. The catch to play the kayak or canoe is to go to the other side of land to grab some balloon for my team.. I've been paired with some girls and my safety gears won't fit.. Its friggin' tight and I didn't bother to zip it up.. But my row is too slow and even my coach that is on a lookout tell us that I'm way too lenient with ma partner...We're kinda rowing like some lovers .. (which she is not my GF by the way)
Some pics from the camping day
Talking about GF makes me think about Valentine Day...T___T Still I won't celebrate it as it just a waste of time and money.. hahha
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tomorrow I'm going to some sort of camp
All of the time ... Why tomorrow and why we have to go to Merang?? Haiz
Better prepared for the worst if they want to play the canoeing.. I'm shit with water sport thingie
(yes.. I can't swim. )
Today songs..Kinda might happen tomorrow to me if I'm late to catch my bus.Well..Might happen.. err hopefully will not
Changing my blog's title
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sentai Pimpin' time!!!
Mospeada OP - Lonely Soldier Boy
Choshisei FLASHMAN!
Space Sheriff Gavan
Kuchibiru Kara Romantica.. Romanchika? whelp
Yeah.. I like this song for one particular reason.. I'm feeling like to dance!! DANCE! Maybe I need to find a ballroom dance class after this.. Or maybe not.. I prolly not practice the dance moves to any hot chick ( to get laid of course) . I think I only know Nishi , and for other.. I can't recognize and did not bother to search for it anyway. Yup the girl in the PV was kinda cute though but she remind me of my nephew... who has a big and rounded face like tomato ( I hate eating raw tomato FYI)
It also has a feel like listening to Porno Grafitti - Itai Tachiichi (where Perfume feature in it)
I dun know why.. It just feel that way.. Whelp..sometime my instinct are useless... Anyway thanks for listening to my BS'ing
Credit to Corichan for Kanji and RomanizationKuchibiru Kara ROMANCHIKA
Lyrics: Inoue Akio
Music: bulge
Romaji by: cori
koiki na machikado no KAFE
kirei na namae no ARUKOHORU
"kimi ni niau" to yowasareru
osuki na GE-MU wo hayaku shikakete
GURASU wo nazoru kotta NEIRU
"chotto yoku misete" tte sasotte
nanige ni yubi wo kasanetara
iron na jijou ga mou sude ni yabai
FURU ni kimochi yoku naru
amai ai no RESHIPI de
waza ari madowaseta
karada no sukima de kokoro mo nuresou
koi ni ude wo furutte motto
oatsui toko wo ajiwatte
fureta sono ki ga mekurumeku
hora hajimaru kuchibiru kara ROMANCHIKA oh
ichido no KISU ja wakaranai
douka sore ijou wo onegai
koyoi suteki ni koshikudake
mita koto nai yo na yume wo misasete
akai kajitsu mitai ni
ochite mitemo ii desho
ashimoto sukuwaretai
mijikai yoru ni harahara yurete
koi ni yori wo kakete gutto
oatsui uchi ni tokeatte
fureta 側(soba) kara shitte yuku
matta kikanai netsujou ga mata ROMANCHIKA oh
koi ni ude wo furutte motto
oatsui toko wo ajiwatte
fureta sono ki ga mekurumeku
hora hajimaru kuchibiru kara ROMANCHIKA
ima hajimaru futari ni saku ROMANCHIKA
作詞: 井上秋緒
作曲: bulge
From the single Kuchibiru Kara Romantica / That's Right
お好きなゲームを 早く仕掛けて
グラスをなぞる 凝ったネイル
何気に 指を重ねたら
色んな事情が もう既にヤバイ
フルに 気持ち良くなる
甘い 愛のレシピで
ワザあり 惑わせた
躰の隙間で 心も濡れそう
恋に腕をふるって もっと
お熱いトコを 味わって
触れたその気が めくるめく
ほら 始まる唇からロマンチカ oh
一度のキスじゃ 判らない
どうかそれ以上を お願い
今宵素敵に 腰砕け
見たことないよな 夢を見させて
紅い 果実みたいに
落ちて みてもいいでしょ
足元 すくわれたい
短い夜に ハラハラ揺れて
恋によりをかけて グッと
お熱いウチに 溶け合って
触れた側(そば)から 知ってゆく
待ったきかない 熱情がまたロマンチカ oh
恋に腕をふるって もっと
お熱いトコを 味わって
触れたその気が めくるめく
ほら 始まる唇からロマンチカ
今 始まる 二人に 咲くロマンチカ
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
AAA -- Battery??
for this vid files
If I have time I might up the link for pv instead..
Soku buttagire boys! Butta kire girls!
Oretachi no jiyuu habamu shinrabanshou
I no ichiban ni stand! Senkyo se yo doushi
Kegasu na supirittsu soku, sankuchuari gettoMe wo mihirake boys! Mezame yo girls!
Kono machijuu ga big na puropaganda
Matsuri agete yes! Akitara boo!
We are like a shoumikigen tsuki no janku fuudoUnmei toka shukumei ni shitagau ki wa nai ze
Tsuba wo hake kiba wo muke tachimukau no saIs this my way?
Kagiri aru ima wo
Ikiisogu jidai wo
Setsuna buttagitte yuke
In this my way
Furikazasu yaiba
Kono mi sajin to bakashitemo
Ikinuke fukutsu no tamashii
With samurai heartSenpenbanka suru style hibikasu yo skill
Karada kakemeguru chishio wa yellow blood
Kobushi kobu shite nomarenna toushi
Tanabiku mihata fuurinkazenBaramakareta jiyuu ni muregaru sedai ga
Kyodai na sekai ni utsu dekai negai
Pen to ken ni tsumeta imi, kotoba-tachi
Aku naki yabou ni piriodo wa nashiKodoku toka itami toka nameau ki ni nai ze
Uchikudake buchikudake riaru na something
Tsukamitoru no saIn this my hand
Nigirishimeta ima
Tokihanate kanata e
Yousha naku sutete wa te ni irero
In this my soul
Mienai asu wo
Ikareta kono sekai wo
Kibou ni kaeteku ikizama
With samurai heartMichi no nai michi tobashite
Mezashita saki ashi nobashite
Warawara jama na dake no chimimouryou
Nara ittouryoudan
Toutei todokan boukansha no kyoutan
Joudan ja sumasarenai tokoro e
Tsuite kitai nara koko de
Tada te kakage aregero koeBreak through the defenses
(Nobody helps me any more)
Break through the enemies
Onore no chikara de
Tsukisusunde yukeIs this my way?
Kagiri aru ima wo
Ikiisogu jidai wo
Setsuna buttagitte yuke
In this my way
Furikazasu yaiba
Kono mi sajin to bakashitemo
Ikinuke fukutsu no tamashii
With samurai heart
Slash it right now, boys! Slash it, girls!
Everything that stands between us and freedom
Stand in the number one spot! Find your allies
Don’t let your spirit be dirtied, find sanctuary nowOpen your eyes, boys! Wake up, girls!
There’s big propaganda all through the town
Get a festival going, yes! Getting tired of = boo!
We are like junk food with an expiry dateI don’t wanna follow fate or destiny
Spit, bare your fangs, face it downIs this my way?
Gonna slash in an instant
The limited present
And these times we rush through
In this my way
Gonna brandish my sword
Even if you slice my body into dust
Let my indomitable soul live on
With samurai heartWith my ever-changing style, I’ll show my skill
The blood that flows through my body is yellow blood
Raise your fist and let the fighting spirit take you
The flag flying is the FuurinkazanThis generation, full of people swathed in freedom
Sends out a huge wish into this massive world
These words have the power of the pen and the sword
There are no full stops in this tireless ambitionI don’t feel like tasting loneliness or pain
Smash it, shatter it, gonna get hold of
Something realIn this my hand
Let go of the present you hold
And send it far away
Once you’ve thrown it away ruthlessly, find it again
In this my soul
I’ll spend my life chaging
The tomorrow I can’t see
And this crazy world, into hope
With samurai heartI’ll race down this uncharted road
Keep going until I reach my destination
Strike down the evil spirits that get in my way
With one blow
The wonder of the people watching won’t register at all
If you wanna come with me somewhere
Where jokes aren’t enough
Then just hold up your hand and raise your voiceBreak through the defenses
(Nobody helps me any more)
Break through the enemies
Push forward
With your own strengthIs this my way?
Gonna slash in an instant
The limited present
And these times we rush through
In this my way
Gonna brandish my sword
Even if you slice my body into dust
Let my indomitable soul live on
With samurai heart
credit to : kiwimusume for translation and cori for romaji
Sunday, February 8, 2009
My Bed!
The thing is easy.. Sneak into the abandoned apartment and take the bed.. hahah But still in order to increase thrill.. I close the lamp so that we become kinda invisible ... (we are doing something illegal.. it better to be on safer side)
Phew.. I think thats all .. Have a nice day
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Today .. RANT!
I blame one because he keeps showing me the funny video. Anyway not that I'm late or something.
As I rode on my green trusty bike Kristar down the road, feeling some breeze on my face... As I reached to the residential area.. I saw one dawg on the middle of road try to take something.. I was shocked because the dog just didn't budge from the position.. I was freaked out.. But luckily.. In split second, it move its lazy-ass away from the road.. NOW I WANT SOME EXPLAINATION!
WHO THE HECK RELEASED THOSE MUTHAFUCKA DOG!! I WAS ABOUT TO GET HOSPITALISED FOR NUTHIN' !! YOU HEAR THAT MOFFOS!! LEASH YOUR DOG OR I PUT THE LEASH ON YOUR SKINNY LITTLE NECK...If it didn't move away then.. I will be thrown away with my bike and rolling like Hindustan except it hurts because of the tar road..
As I was nearing to my University.. At the traffic light.. I saw some gruesome scene.. the car got wreck by the huge-ass lorry that looks like Titanic.. Ok.. I might be exaggerated here.. Just some huge lorry or trailer.. I can't remember LOL.. And then *cue X-files song* the Kancil car o Mousedeer got ran over the lorry and scratch a lil' bit on the side....Ermmmmm... maybe not little.. the damage was enough to chill my bone..the door at the driver I think was half wreck by the little friction by the lorry.. Haiz.. I can still remember the looks of the Mousedeer driver. She was about to explode and keep honking her's stupid sound horn.. It sounded lame.. hahahha
When I arrive at the practice range.. My coach has'nt arrive yet and I bs'ing with ma hommies.. When he arrive he give a little speech on how to assemble the bow and how to shot an arrow.. Regrettably.. I miss the range.. Haiz... Shame on me.. I need to do some more practice..~~
Thats all I can think of.. bye by cycle.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Everyday rant about AKB

Yuuko might want to be a bird ANIMA+